Jest Platform
You can cherry pick specific features of Jest and use them as standalone packages. Here's a list of the available packages:
Tool for identifying modified files in a git/hg repository. Exports two functions:
returns a promise that resolves to an object with the changed files and repos.findRepos
returns a promise that resolves to a set of repositories contained in the specified path.
const {getChangedFilesForRoots} = require('jest-changed-files');
// print the set of modified files since last commit in the current repo
getChangedFilesForRoots(['./'], {
lastCommit: true,
}).then(result => console.log(result.changedFiles));
You can read more about jest-changed-files
in the readme file.
Tool for visualizing changes in data. Exports a function that compares two values of any type and returns a "pretty-printed" string illustrating the difference between the two arguments.
const {diff} = require('jest-diff');
const a = {a: {b: {c: 5}}};
const b = {a: {b: {c: 6}}};
const result = diff(a, b);
// print diff
Tool for extracting and parsing the comments at the top of a JavaScript file. Exports various functions to manipulate the data inside the comment block.